Can You Help Me Understand?

I do not understand why people tell me they “can’t” or they “don’t-know” and then get upset with me with my answer (given my answer is a question but that is irrelevant because that is I know what to say… I’ll explain why, bear with me… I’m not the brightest and I fumble with words so explaining things can be like pulling teeth… with no anesthesia…literally!)

I am the type of person that does what I want to do, when I want to do it, and where; so basically, I only state facts (it takes too much time AND energy {for me} to do anything less) so I ultimately assume others do as well (I shouldn’t just “assume” that but I can’t help it… it’s what comes naturally-like breathing). Therefore, I tend to be a little slow (when it comes to innuendos and that is most of people’s humor so too my surprise/humor as well as others- humor… I’m the “laugh of the party”) I am also the type of person to speak without thinking (which in the past has created more conflict than pleasantries, so I’m sure you can only imagine..)

So, even though I openly admit to being a little slow and not the brightest…. why do people get mad at ME when THEY are t he one’s coming to ME?!?!?!

Riddle me that, Batman….. lol

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