Who Would Have Thought Fluoride Was Bad?!

Who Would Have Thunk?! LOL

Who Would Have Thunk?! LOL

I hate to tell y’all BUT Prozac will make a sane person crazy (and vice versa…. supposedly..) and it has Fluoride in it… who would thunk fluoride is BAD for you SINCE the Doctors pass it out like candy…. (they really do, have u ever been to the dentist? they charge u and arm and a leg to clean your teeth {in-which u can do yourself, if your not lazy} and then send you home with free stuff….. usually a toothbrush, tooth paste, floss (I mean they should… u just gave them an arm and a leg {hopefully it was yours!}. SO… IF this is true, then toothpaste that has fluoride IN IT, is NOT a good thing.. {I haven’t done research; I’m just assuming it’s true… but then assuming can get u killed these days so… but I think I’m ok… I’m assuming about toothpaste… but then again apparently toothpaste has fluoride in it and they say it’s in Nerve Gas and we ALL know… that’s not a good thing!}
So, why are Dentist and his Staff handing out stuff that harms you?! Well, if you wanna know why it is because they are manipulating you into doing something that is BAD for you and COULD hurt you… I mean, serious hurt (Nerve Gas is NOT the one you want) ALL the while, they are taking an arm and a leg (all of your money because they are NOT cheap) AND telling you to come back in 6 months to do it again….
No wonder why so many people are dying “naturally”
~The kicker of the story IS: The majority of people are doing it….
*Trends are NOT always good people; so quit being afraid of a little hard work (or just quit being lazy) and do it yourself (there’s a saying “If you want something done right, do it yourself..) then you can figure out how to do it right (knowledge IS POWER, people) and then execute AND the best part IS…. you don’t have to pay someone else to manipulating you (and ultimately hurting you… INTENTIONALLY) and take your money!
Moral of the story: You can take that money (that you would have spent on the cleaning) and spend it on WHATEVER YOU WANT! So tell me, what would you do with an extra $100 dollars?! (I’m just trying to being to make a point… we ALL know that it way more than $100 to get your teeth cleaned).
I’m NOT going to lie here… I would take that $100 and do something I want!
Buying some Beer and good food from the grocery store and having ALL the people that love me to come over and have a (safe) and chill night doing whatever we WANT to do in a nice warm house…laughing (and my family likes to mess around and play…) BUT it is fun and that is what I like to do; no matter what, in order to be happy in life you have to do what you want to do, when you want to, and where…. that is the ultimate “secret-of-life” people…. to be HAPPY!
So, if someone tells you that you are a selfish, controlling, Bit… what does it matter, you can be you’re NOT (intentionally or not) hurting anyone OR breaking any laws…. SO ULTIMATELY, NO ONE CAN DO ANYTHING TO YOU (right?! and if no one can do anything to you- what do you have a problem with? (actually, the answer to that is YOU DON’T HAVE ANY PROBLEMS!) SOUNDS NICE, DOESN’T IT?!?! (there’s a perk to this already wonderful concept and it is: if NO ONE can hurt you then that means you have POWER and CONTROL- sounds nice,?!)
In the end, I have you given you the steps to take to become a HAPPIER person as well as a HAPPIER life AND the “secret to life” (did you already know it?? well… good for you, NO ONE told me…. I JUST FIGURED THIS ISH OUT SO EXCUSE ME.. so quit being so rude and tell others… I did!)
I am HAPPY, I have NO conflict in my life, I have let go of the past (and float away… it was horrible so that was nice to do) I have everyone (well almost, I just have to be patient {and we all know that I haven’t mastered that trait..yet) I love and loves me, in my life…
So, I just told you how to “manipulate” your world to work for you for free-to be happy…. and the BEST thing is…. now that you know the steps, what are you going to do about it; how are you going to make your dreams come true?! (now that you don’t have to worry and be stressed?! I can’t do it for you but you are NOT afraid of a little hard work and not afraid of LEARNING (you don’t need ANYONE to teach you, there are resources at your fingertips, you just have to find it… like treasure hunting… YOU could have a happy life that NO ONE can take from you AND YOU DON’T HAVE TO HAVE ANY MONEY TO START… The only thing I have to master now is self-composure and patience… because there is NOT enough time in the day to do everything I love…. which can frustrating! lol
Oh and once you are happy the “acknowledgement” and “feeling” of the word LOVE is taken to a whole other level (a higher level) and when you get to that level… you find that you are capable of so much better and GREAT things and as long as you are not STUPID or EVIL- NO ONE CAN TAKE IT FROM YOU!
All right, I’m out… love y’all and go make great things happen in this world… you WILL be rewarded… just don’t hurt anyone in the process or this will NOT work… it’s not that hard people!

~The rants and raves of a Beautiful Disaster… can you see why I had to start a blog… my loved ones don’t like to “debate” with me for some reason, so I need to get this off my chest but I get nothing from them… I guess they realized they can’t reason with crazy! (because you can’t people, you will never win… crazy people will keep going and nothing you say can “reason” with them… HAHAHA lol 🙂 )

I hope everyone has a safe weekend, it’s cold up here in MI so stay warm….. and stay out of MI lol 😛

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