If The Truth Hurts….

You know, I am all one for being blunt and telling people “if the truth hurts and all” and we all know I am BUT… going around telling RANDOM people that you DO NOT know that they are STUPID for making bad decisions….. NO ONE TAUGHT ME AND I MADE A CRAP LOAD OF BAD DECISIONS! You have to make “bad” decisions to figure ish out (in my opinion) Ignorance CAN be fixed…. stupidity CAN’T be! AND EVERYONE makes the wrong/BAD decision sometime in their life, haven’t YOU… SO in all actuallity… WHO IS THE STUPID ONE NOW?! (shouldn’t be rude and MAYBE others wouldn’t be rude back… what a bad decision you just made…. CHEW ON THAT ONE, BATMAN!)

Don’t dish it if you can’t take it… just sayin’! 😛


~I hope everyone has an wonderful weekend and stay safe, apparently there’s a lot of “stupid” people out there making “bad decisions”…… 😛

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