To All Of The Good Fathers Out There That Has Been Jilted By Their Baby’s Mother….

My Heart... My Life..

First off, I would like to say how sorry I am, I never realized exactly what men have to go through; it is very unfortunate!

I am so sorry that females can be “Catty” (and we know that is an under-statement)!

I literally feel as if  someone just punched right through my chest cavity; while gripping my heart like vice grips, tearing it out slowly so you can feel every tendon that is being severed….

The one thing on this earth that you love, cherish, and would ultimately sacrifice anything for…

Their happiness, health, safety; and for what, them being taken to a place where not only,  you cannot see them, but not be there to touch them, to hear their voice or to see their eyes light up when you walk in the room… You don’t know if they are safe or if someone is in the process of hurting them…

You feel helpless, powerless, beaten down all while she has the child to clutch to and others….

You are left alone… and the one thing that will make everything better.. has been taken from you by an angered woman, that can be very hurtful!

BUT you as a man (or me as the other mother), have to be strong and the one to keep going but in all actuality you do not even have the strength to get up and go to the bathroom or to get a drink of water….

You are there.. all alone… with nothing and no one….

And then maybe down the road… you will finally get a court date JUST so you can get your every other weekend and two weeks out of the year….

At least, you fathers, get that opportunity… I do not even get that…

I was there to cut his umbilical cord (I even got yelled at by the nurse twenty minutes after he was born , because I fed him too much at once… but he was hungry) I bathed him of all of that  gunk on him; I love and cherished him…

And then shortly after his fourth birthday, she told me that she was leaving and taking him to another state… her home state.

Now, after all this and then… nothing…..  There is nothing left… I am left with nothing….

I am so sorry, because this pain… NO ONE should have to bear it!

(And while many people may ask why not have another child? For one, you CANNOT replace a child and for two, I cannot have children; so I am left with nothing…

~The Broken Heart of a Mother….

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