Death Before Dishonor

The History Behind Not Only The Phrase But The Tattoo Of Death Before Dishonor

“The slogan of “Death Before Dishonor”, frequently written in a coiling scroll wrapped around a dagger, is a perennially popular military tattoo–and for good reason. The saying has been used for military units at least as early as ancient Rome

The Relationship of Tattoos to Personality Disorders”, published in the The Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science, Richard Post notes that another study had surveyed prison inmates with the “death before dishonor” tattoo and found that, if these prison inmates had been in military service, they had all been dishonorably discharged.”

I stand by this phrase with every ounce of me… I mean I should, I am a Veteran that has proudly served my Country. I served active duty and voluntarily gave over four years of my life “for the greater good of mankind” blah blah so this “phrase” (which is more than a phrase in my household-it is a way of living. I do not see any issue with living this type of lifestyle because we are not hurting anyone  (and I’m trying not to raise a serial killer {but who is?!} so I figure we’ll go about our lives accordingly).

So…. with all this being said, it’s fair to say that I have a right to throw this out there: (and vent because this pisses me off; please excuse my language, I tend to get a little “Passionate” about certain issues).

Once a Soldier, always a Soldier!

*There is ONE condition to this statement: If you were a soldier at one point (meaning you passed ALL training) and you were kicked out (Dishonorable Discharge) with the rank of E3 OR below….. YOU ARE NOT A SOLDIER- YOU DO NOT FALL INTO THIS CATEGORY!

Also, if you are a soldier and you DISGRACE our Elite name…. You are NOT a Soldier!

So I leave all of you with good tidings and I wish you well…. go out in this world and do GREAT things….. you will be rewarded-just as I have!

Death Before Dishonor – HOOAH!

A 6 Year Old Boy That Died at the Hands of His Parents, May Not Get a Proper Burial!


Ladies and Gentlemen,

I come from a city that has had many negative reviews and is quite a dangerous place to live, it is Flint MI. There was a story that has come out of Saginaw MI. a nearby city that has just been in headlines for a 6 year old boy’s death at the hands of his parents.

This precious little boy lost his life to the hands of his parents  and the worst part is, his family is left with not only mourning his death but the expenses of his funeral; which they do not have the money. These days everyone seems to be struggling BUT if we all chipped in at least $5 dollars, this family could provide a beautiful and well deserving funeral… please, don’t let me be the only person that donates… I am on a fixed income and just like everyone else… I’m struggling, but it would be a better $5 dollar spent then buying a pack of Cigarettes or McDonalds! This little boy deserves to have a spot where his family can visit and he can rest in peace!

Maybe something good can come from this community… working together for a greater good and if there are others that have it in their hearts to help… even if it is $5 or even a $1, we would be that much further to lay a little angel to rest.

Thank You for reading and if there are people out there that has it in their hearts to help, the article below states where you could send a donation too.

Again, thank y’all and hopefully one day, things will change where children will not have to live in fear at their own homes!



Only 5 Years For Sexual Assault, Imprisonment; Starving Younger Step-Sister… REALLY?!

It blows my mind that a judge (female non-the-less) shown great leniency towards a 20 year old male that sexually assaulted his step-sister while he and his mother beaten and starved her while keeping her detained like a prisoner… except that convicted murderers are treated more civilized than she was.

 If that is not bad enough, this sentence came after a 15 month prison sentence for sexually assaulting his 14 year old girl friend… the sad and most disturbing aspect is that he had the same Judge with both offenses; the Judge gave him credit for time served within his step-sister’s (which I consider his sister regardless of blood or not) case.

 The ADA fought for a 30 year sentence, because it is obvious that there’s a pattern forming, but with no prevails. He and his attorney both extensively pleaded for leniency claiming that he will be punished for life seeing as he will have to register as a sexual offender (uh, yeah… hello… he is a sexual predator!) and will not be able to come in contact with minors (which he so right fully deserves) ALL BECAUSE he grew up in an environment that is “socially bizarre norms” (well buddy… who hasn’t these days, it’s not an excuse to intentionally hurt others!!).

 I am quite disgusted with this “Judge” what happens when his next victim (and with sexual predators, the urge is too great to suppress) doesn’t make it out alive because there will be no witnesses to identify him (statistically, most perpetrators escalate because they do not get the same “euphoria” as the first time). What do you think the Judge is going to feel when this happens… do you think she will lose sleep over it? My theory is, if she gives pedophiles leniency… she isn’t going to lose any sleep; honestly, I hope she doesn’t have any children because that would make her that much worst… I swear- whatever!


 Here is the full article:

The Police Are Doing NOTHING About a Teacher Choking Out a Child With Autism!


Right up the road from me, In North Branch MI., an autistic child was choked by his teacher and the school, police, and it seems everyone else is trying to cover it up (I cannot find a news article on it at this moment). NO ONE ever has the right to put their hands on anyone else’s child, the law states that they can’t put their hands on their own child or it is child abuse… so why is this not considered child abuse, because the child is Autistic?!

I’m about to put what the mother had written on Facebook, but please… if there is anyone that is reading this, will you please spread the word because this should not be swept under the rug and everyone involved needs to take responsibility because this is unacceptable! If it were another child that had done this, would they not be punished?! Bullying is not just in the form of children doing it to one another and it is UNACCEPTABLE for an ADULT to hurt a child little long bullying them!


**Mom’s Post**

Jacqueline Bissonette Spitler (boys mother)
“I am asking, no begging, all of my facebook friends and family share this post and make it go viral so we can show this school that abuse against any child is NOT ACCEPTABLE! Please help me in my… fight for justice for my son!! Autism is not excuse to abuse!!!
On Thursday 1-30-14 I received a phone call from the school stating that my son had a rough day and in a struggle may have a small mark on his neck. The principal also stated that my son told him his para was hurting him and choked him. Because of these statements the school had to investigate. My son came home from North Branch Elementary in North Branch Mi with bruises on his neck. The following day we told the school that we were calling the police to report the issue. A few hours later we received a phone call stating the school reported the incident to CPS and it was forwarded to the local police department. By 1 pm we were in the North Branch Mi police office so they could take my sons statement. During this interview the police officer tried getting him to say that what happened was because he wasn’t behaving, we were asked “”you’ve never had to grab him like that?”, told how this man, accused of putting bruises on my child’s neck, was such a great nice guy!, and that people don’t understand autism so sometimes these things happen, but they’re really trying to figure something out for these kids. I couldn’t believe it! No I don’t EVER put my hands on my child like that, regardless of his behavior there should NOT be bruises anywhere, I don’t care how “‘great” this guy is, and I definitely don’t think that not understanding autism is a valid excuse for abuse!! I’ve asked the MI State Police to take over, but they will not and this officer also asked me if I ever had to grab my son like that and again No I don’t! Also the school has not suspended the man accused and wont let me see the video. In the CPS report it clearly states my son was restrained but the school continues to tell me he wasn’t. They are trying to sweep this under the rug and I refuse to let them!!
Dear Abc 12. I am sharing this status and pictures of this sweet boy who is autistic and has been being abused in a North Branch Mi school and nothing is being done about it.”
~I hate to say this but the mother is a better person than I am because LET someone put their hands on my child (especially since I don’t even do it) well, lets just say I would be in some deep ish!~


The message that was written by, a Jimmy Johns’ employee to our son, on the sandwhich wrapper


The message that was written by, a Jimmy Johns' employee to our son, on the sandwhich wrapper

With all the recent hype about “messages” being left on receipts, I was glad that it has never happened to us because it would have highly upset me if someone wrote something mean and/or negative to my family; I do not think that I could control my temper all that well and it usually does not turn out all that pleasant! However, last week, we can now say that it has happened to us and that we had a little message written to us on the wrapping paper of a Jimmy Johns’ sandwich…. Actually, it was left to our 3 year old son (whom is just precious, might I add! Lol)

It had kind of shocked my partner and I; I even had to ask her if she placed a memo or another part to (you know how they give you an option to place where you go to build your sandwich online, you can place the name so the person writes it on the sandwich) the memo section and she said no. So, this is what was left for us….

We are happy to announce that we are not part of the “negative” hype still!!!

Do You Agree With Murder Charges For Protecting Your Family In Your Own Home??

I am a member of because I realize the importance of changing past laws, our country is not what it used to be and while the world has evolved, some of our laws have not. We need to make a change for the better of our well being!

  I am a Veteran that served active duty Army and I am level 2 certified in combatives if I get into a fight I can get in trouble (with good reason) BUT my one job in life is to protect my family.. my house is my castle just because I am trained, is it fair if 4 men come into my home and try to hurt us and I kill them (because I will, I’m an expert marksman and I’m trained to kill without a weapon)?! Just because I am a female?! The state I currently reside in passed the Castle Doctrine in 2006… before that, if a person came into my home and was either trying to kill OR rape, I would have to wait to the police got there and take control or I would be charged… I don’t think so! Violent Crimes are up and some people DO NOT care about hurting someone else, it’s time to STOP living in the past and realize a change needs to occur; maybe it might deter some criminals!

That’s why it is important to me and my family… as a parent, it is OUR responsibility to protect our children, even the Law says it is… would we not go to jail for abuse and neglect (of our kids or anyone else’s) so why is this any different?! Because of his training, he was able to take on 4 men  that had intent to kill… without that training, he and his family could be dead….

New Mexico needs to adopt the Castle Doctrine!


Please help make a difference and sign this petition:

One Families Fight To Find Answers 34 Years After A Horrific-Unsolved Murder In Columbus, Ohio.

I find that the sister of this young man that has become a product of pure violence as well as a statistic, very creative! What else does one do in this type of predicament?! It has been 34 years with no closure to this devastating crime; I find that this family has nowhere else to turn so they have taken their fight to social media. With all the controversy over social media sites there are good aspects to them, I repost multiple missing persons or fugitive wanted poster quite often. Social media has the power to put the word of mouth just about anywhere in the world! I easily see this type of situation to become a trend (not a negative one, of course!) here in the near future and why not?!


 So, if any of you has known a person or has been a victim of any type of unsolved-brutal attack, wouldn’t you do all that you could to find not only justice but also the truth?